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Pralines - Chouchous





3 cups plain unsalted peanuts with the skin

2 cups sugar

1 cup water

Cinnamon to taste (optional)







1 - Using a frying pan, combine together the peanuts, sugar, and water.


2 - Boil over medium-high heat until foam starts to form (10-15 minutes). Water will start changing color (light brownish-red). 


3 - Stir occasionally reducing heat to medium if water gets too dark.


4 - When water start becoming sandy, remove from heat and stir for a few minutes to coat the peanuts.


5 - Bring back to medium heat and stir continuously until peanuts are caramelized and shiny but still coated with the sandy sugar.


6 - Keep stirring until hardened. 


7 - Transfer into a heat proof glass bowl and stir in cinnamon (optional).




Watch a quick video here: Pralines - Chouchous

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